English, asked by nausadm534, 1 year ago

3. Recently you have come across many articles on the topic, Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao'. In spite
these articles, girls are not given their due respect and female foeticide in the socity is ramp
Write a letter in 100-150 words to the Editor, The Times of India expressing your concern
the problem. Give some suggestions on the role of the people and government in curbin
You are Vaibhavi/Vaibhav, 12 Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.


Answered by navpreetkaur411



12 Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

2nd April 2020

The Editor

The Times of India

I'm writing this letter to shed some light on the hot topic of the region Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao. As per government rules, every girl has the right to get an education and enroll in her choice of profession. Whether legal authorities empower girls to admit in the school and get a free qualification but still girls are not giving due respect to this action. Additionally, the average rate of female foeticide is increasing to a greater extend. If we look at this matter then this is not a good sign in any sense. On a daily basis, we read articles, newspapers, and magazines flooded with another number of cases of female foeticide. This is due to illiteracy among family and it can be eradicated if the government takes one more effort and that's they should demonstrate the negative effects of female foeticide and the positive side of girls' education.

I think this one step can make the girls or their parents aware so that they can realize the importance of education for an individual.

The government is making rules for the concerned society so at the same time, its the responsibility of the people to take their efforts seriously.

Thank you

With best wishes

Answered by narayandubeyaditya41






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