3.think and answer in your own words in your notebook.
(a) why does the poet appeal to us,to respect the life of worm?
(b) why do you think God created worms? what is their ecological importance?
(c) 'live and let live'is a famous proverb. which lines from the poem support this proverb?
(d) does the poem urge us to protect only worms?
what Is the general message conveyed through this poem?
A)The poet urges us to remember that every creature on this earth is created by God for some purpose.We must hence respect every creature,big or small,for each has its own role to play in this universe.Besides, we have no rights to lightly take away a life which we cannot give back.
B)Every creature on this earth is created by god for some purpose.Worms play an important role in maintaining ecological balance.They loosen and aeratethe mud and bring up fertile,nurient - rich soil.They turn organic garbage into organic fertilizers.There body provides proteins.Thus though they are small , they play a huge role in maintaining ecological balance and this is purposefor which God created them.
C)The lines are:-
1)Turn turn thy hasty foot aside.Nor crush that helpless worm!
2)Let them enjoy their little day.
3)Do not lightly take away The life thou canst not give!
D)Though the poem is about the worm , the general message is that God has created all the creatures on earth,big and small, and every creature has a role to play.All beings have equal rights over the bounties of
it's a right answer