30 lines on independence day in English

Answer with Explanation: 15th August is celebrated as independence day every year. On 15 august 1947 India got freedom from British Rule.India was ruled by the British for almost two centuries.The aim was to drive the British out of the country. After numerous freedom movements, protests and sacrifices we got freedom. Jawahar lal Nehru became our first Prime Minister.He hosts Flag at Lahore Gate of Red Fort in Delhi salute by the 21 guns firing. It was the memorable day in the Indian history. India granted Legislative sovereignty by Parliament of United Kingdom. From that day we started celebrating this day as Independence day every year. Freedom is important for all. Independent country get success. We got it on this day.We won freedom after a hard struggle. Prime-minister hosts the tricolor flag at the red fort in Delhi. The nation pays homages to martyrs.The celebration invokes the patriotic feelings among the people of our country.The whole country come out their houses. All celebrate the day forgetting differences of cast and culture. The whole nation celebrates this day. We also hosting flag in schools, colleges and offices etc. All sing the National anthem with pride. All conduct cultural programs. School children participates in cultural programs. This day remind us the day of brave fighters who sacrificed their lives for country. This day is a red letter day in the history of India.We should respect our Indian flag. The sky seems full of kites, balloons. There is joy all around.