31. Describe the strategy for the preservence of natural resources.
Only wash full loads of laundry.
Fill a bucket while showering and use it to water plants.
Run the dishwasher only when full.
Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
Create a lawn watering schedule using a watering calculator.
Harvest rainwater.
The strategy for preserving natural resources can be explained as :
•Natural resources include air,water,wind energy etc.
•Humans should preserve the natural resources so that it doesn't get depleted later when required.
Some of the methods that can be used are :
•We should start using renewable sources of energy like solar and wind energy so that fossil fuels don't get depleted after few years and renewable sources of energy are economical.
•We should conserve water by rational use of water,rain water-harvesting,ground water recharge methods.
•We should use natural resources efficiently.
•By treatment of industrial wastes and sewages before they are released to water bodies.
•Afforestation to prevent soil erosion.
•Using biogas in our homes.
•Recycling of wastes should be done.