324630562 in international form (in word)
Three hundred twenty four million six hundred thirty thousand five hundred and sixty two , is international form of 324630562...
Hope this answer is helpful...
324630562 in international number system =
324,630,562 - three hundred twenty four million six hundred thirty thousand five hundred sixty two
324626 in indian number system =
32,46,30,562 - thirty two crore forty six lakhs thirty thousand five hundred sixty two
Comparison Between Indian and International Numeral System
Comparing the two numeral systems we observe that:
100 thousand = 1 lakh
1 million = 10 lakhs
10 millions = 1 crore
100 millions= 10 crores
Numeral System
Placement of Comma
Commas are placed in large numbers to help us read and write them easily. In Indian and international systems, the commas are placed at different positions.
As per the Indian numeral system, the first comma is placed after the hundreds place post which they are placed after every two digits. E.g., 1,23,45,67,890
As per the international numeral system, the first comma is placed after the hundreds place, post which they are placed after every three digits. E.g., 1,234,567,890
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