3427 (NS)
பின் வரும் தாவரங்களில் எதில் கக்க மொட்டு முட்களாக உ
பெறுகிறது ?
(அ) மூங்கில்
(ஆ) சிட்ரஸ்
(இ) கிரைசாந்திமம்
(ஈ) ஆக்ஸாலிஸ்
Axillary bud is modified into thorns in:
(a) Bambusa
(b) Citrus
(c) Chrysanthemum
(d) Oxalis
மன்சியின் சரியான வரிசை
option a Bambusa I guess.....
•Axillary bud is modified into thorns in Citrus.
•Hence option (b) is the correct option.
•Aerial stem structures that undergo modifications to perform these special functions include tendrils, thorns, hooks, phylloclade, tuberous stems and bulbils. •The auxiliary or the terminal part of the modified structures show their stem nature.
These are hard, woody, pointed structures meant for protection.
• They are provided with vascular tissue, which may develop from the axillary bud or terminal buds.
•They control transpiration by reducing the vegetative growth.
• In Bougainvillea, Punica granatum and Duranta the axillary bud develop into thorns.
•In Duranta, the thorns are provided with leaves and flowers.
•In Punica granatum, the thorns bear leaves and branches.
• In Carissa carandas the terminal bud produces a pair of thorns. They help in protection.