Math, asked by chandanichaturvedi13, 1 month ago

4. (a) The union of a collection of connected subspaces of X that have a point in common is connected​


Answered by mufiahmotors


The union of collection of connected subspaces of X that have a point in common is connected. Proof. Let {Aα} be a collection of connected subspaces of space X. Let p be a point which is common to all Aα i.e., p ∈ Aα.

Step-by-step explanation:

Answered by bandameedipravalika0

Step-by-step explanation:

  • If the intersection of two linked sets in a space is nonempty, the union is connected.
  • (Assume that X Y contains a point p and that X and Y are connected.)
  • If X Y is the union of two disjoint sets A and B, both of which are open in A and B, then p belongs to either A or B, say A.
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