English, asked by princeverma74, 11 months ago

4. Create a Dictionary, for it choose any three useful words from
each letter starting from A to Z from dictionary. Paste pictures of
few words if possible.​


Answered by Jasleen0599

Absurdum: an illogical conclusion

Agible: practicable


Bialate: having two wings

Bleat: characteristic cry of sheep

Bubbe: grandmother

Cabal: a secret plot

Ciabatta: Italian bread

Cub: a young fox

Dabble: to make slightly wet

Diablo: devil

Duad: a pair

Eaceworm: earthworm

Egality: equality

Ehlite: a variety of pseudomalachite

Fandom: the fan of sport

Fiacre: a small carriage for hire

Fub: to cheat

Gab: idle chatter

Giallolino: the yellow oxide of lead

Grandmother: bubbe

Hartebeest: kaama

Hiam: hot and spicy

Hub: the centre of wheel

Ibrik: a long-spouted pitcher

Ideate: to generate an idea

Insaniate: to render unsound

Jab: a poking

Jianbing: a thin Chinese fried-egg pancake

Juba: the mane of an animal

Kaama: the hartebeest

Kiabooca: Amboyna wood

Kudos: a compliment

Labefaction: the act of shaking

Liable: bound

Lubber: a lazy person

Maalin: the sparrow hawk

Miaower: a cat that miaows

Mucilage: a thick gluey substance

Nabber: one who grabs

Niacin: a water-soluble vitamin

Nuancedly: in a nuanced way

Oaf: a person

Oidium: the fungus

Ouche: a brooch

Pair: duad

Poking: a jab

Pseudomalachite: ehlite

Qiviut: the underwool of the Arctic muskox

Quack: the sound made by a duck

Qua-bird: the American night heron

Raad: the electric fish

Reaccredit: to anew

Riant: cheerful

Spicy: hot and hiam

Shaking: labefaction

Sparrow: maalin

Teaboy: a young man employed to prepare tea

Tiara: the papal crown

Tubby: stout

Uintaite: gilsonite

Uffish: grumpy

Uuencode: to encode

Waag: the grivet

Wick: a twist

Wub: love

Xanchromatic: having a yellow colour

Xerostomia: asialism

Xiphoid: shaped like sword

Yabber: to talk

Yclept: named

Yuca: cassava

Zaalouk: a Moroccan eggplant salad

Zag: twist in storyline

Ziggy: nickname for male

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