Business Studies, asked by 5499, 1 year ago

4 functional aras of spreadsheet


Answered by rk094198



Absolute Cell Reference: An absolute cell reference is one that does not change when it is copied. To make a cell reference absolute, you must include a $ before the reference (ex: $C$4).The other type of reference is a Relative Reference..

Active Cell: The active cell is the cell in the spreadsheet that is currently selected for data entry. You can change which cell is the active cell by clicking the left mouse button once or using the arrow keys on the keyboard. The current active cell can be identified as being the one that has a darker black border around it. Also, the active cell reference is listed in the Name Box directly above the spreadsheet's column headings.

Anchor Cell: The anchor cell is the first cell that is highlighted in a range. When a range of cells is selected, they appear as highlighted in black. The anchor cell, however, remains white. If only one cell is selected in the sheet, it is the anchor cell.


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Bar / Column Chart: A bar or column chart is a style of chart that is used to summarize and compare categorical data. The length of each bar represents the aggregate value (ex: sum) of that particular category. Bars run horizontally and columns run vertically.


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Cell: A cell is a rectangular area formed by the intersection of a column and a row. Cells are identified by the Cell Name (or Reference, which is found by combining the Column Letter with the Row Number. For example the cell in Column "C" in Row "3" would be cell C3. Cells may contain Labels, Numbers, Formulas or Functions.

Cell Name: By default, the name of a cell is the cell reference. You may, however, define a particular cell or range of cells with an alternative name. This alternative name can then be used in formulas and functions and provide a quick way to jump to a particular area of the spreadsheet.

Cell Reference: A cell reference is the name of the cell that is found by combining the Column Letter with the Row Number. For example the cell in Column "C" in Row "3" would be cell C3.

Column: Columns run vertically on the spreadsheet screen. An Excel spreadsheet contains 256 columns that are labeled with the letters of the alphabet. When the column labels reach letter "Z" they continue on with AA, AB, AC...... AZ and then BA, BB, BC.....BZ etc.

Column / Bar Chart: A column or bar chart is a style of chart that is used to summarize and compare categorical data. The length of each bar represents the aggregate value (ex: sum) of that particular category. Columns run vertically and Bars run horizontally.

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