Biology, asked by himalaykumar96313916, 10 months ago

If the temperature of a water body increases considerably, it is observed
that fishes in it die. Why do you think this happens?​


Answered by ujjwaltiwary19


It is because the fishes of any type of water cannot live in hot water while it be a sea or aquarium.


Answered by AzminKnows


Oxygen Deprivation


Fish kills can happen by human made actions such as oil spills and pollution. However, it can also happen by natural occurrence. Climate and weather play a big role in our daily lives not just to humans but also for every existing biological creature on earth. And just like other problems caused by temperature, fishes are also critically affected by the increase/decrease of temperature. Why? Temperature is a big factor in survival and it affects a lot of aspects of life. Just like humans, fishes require oxygen as well. Due to the fact that they are aquatic animals, they cannot breathe in oxygen gas such as us or any land animals. As an effect, they need dissolved oxygen in particular which is obtained from the atmosphere and aquatic plants. Simply, dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen present in the water. Thus, oxygen is a solute that is dissolved in water. Therefore, the river and other bodies of water in which the fishes occupy can be considered as a massive pool of water and oxygen solution. Temperature is a big factor that affects solubility and it is recognized that solid substances become more soluble as the temperature of a solvent increases however since oxygen is naturally a gaseous substance and not solid, it is important to know that gases are less soluble in liquids at a high temperature. Because of this inevitability, when bodies of water containing fishes are exposed to heat which increases the temperature, the water will release heat as observed in the natural law and the oxygen which is primarily a gas will become less soluble and will have a tendency to separate from the water. The ability of the water to hold oxygen will reduce. Consequently, fish kills will occur because of deprivation of oxygen which occurs when the temperature increase or simply because there is no more oxygen left to breathe.

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