English, asked by prakashtrbsp, 7 months ago

4. Make a precis of the given passage and suggest a suitable

title for it :

We all know what we mean by a „good‟ man. The ideally

good man does not drink or smoke, avoids bad language,

converses in the presence of men only exactly as he

would if there were ladies present, attends Church

regularly and holds the correct opinion on all subjects. He

has a whole-some horror of wrong-doing and realizes that

it is our painful duty to castigate sin. He has a still greater

horror of wrong thinking, and considers it the business of

the authorities to safeguard the young against those who

question the wisdom of the views generally accepted by

middle-aged successful citizens. Apart from his

professional duties, at which he is assiduous, he spends

much time in good works : he may encourage patriotism

and military training; he may promote industry, sobriety

and virtue among wage earners and their children by​


Answered by Anonymous

barrier Reef ecobyltem. by longated Longsheng, has been derived from the word Longli, which means. 1. See answer .

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