4. The decimal form of some real numbers are given below. In each case, decide whether
the number is rational or not. If it is rational, and expressed in form p/q,what can you say
about the prime factors of q?
(i) 43.123456789 (ii) 0.120120012000120000...
(iii) 43.123456789123456789.................
please solve fast urgent
Answered by
Hey here is your answer sis pls mark it brainliest and follow me ☺️
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Rational, the factors of q would hv 5 and 2
2. Irrational, the factors won't hv 5 and 2
3. Irrational, tje the factors of q won't hv 5 and 2
Answered by
zjzjjzszn s d d s d s f s f. a de
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