The Mundaka Upanishad speaks of two kinds of knowledge; 'apara vidya'
or lower knowledge acquired by study of the Vedas, rituals and astrology
for one's well being in the material world, and 'Para vidya' or higher
knowledge, knowledge of the imperishable Being or God .one of the
three main paths to be followed to attain liberation is jnana yoga, or union
with God through knowledge Krishna says in the Bhagvad Gita:
"Realisation and competence gained through spiritual practices are never
lost" Material wealth is an impediment for a seeker of 'Para vidya',
because it is a source of obstruction. As Krishna says: "He on whom I want
to bestow My grace, I slowly deprive him of all his wealth."
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes using
headings and subheadings in any suitable format .Use recognizable
abbreviations give a suitable title to the passage.
Make a summary of the passage in your own words.
Writing section 16 Marks
Q. a)
Q. b)
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