4. What according to the stranger was beautiful and what was not perfect ?
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How would you react if a stranger approaches you and says you are beautiful?
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189 Answers

Mayur Patel
, Entire world is one big family (DharmYog.Com)
Answered 5 years ago · Author has 1.7K answers and 916.2K answer views
It depends. Lot of guys do such things just by looking at your outer beauty. I don't think beauty can be measured such way until people truly learn about the character then you really know. For example people say I fall I love and then they they get married. Few weeks after or months later then they get divorce so was it love or lust or infatuation? Obviously not love so same thing here. You can be smart about it and keep moving by saying thanks or ask him what he means and why? You see I think it's serious problem today how many men treat women. This largely because of movies and television. I think women should not get such treatment and be treated like objects. Many men think this way and it's no longer a secret and there are women who like such things but I don't think it's a good thing as I see women much higher than that and they should be respected. According to Hinduism women are higher than God and there is a reason for that too but that's not the question so I will leave that for later