4. Write a python program using all arithmetic operators
Task :
To perform arithmetic operations on two integers.
Approach :
Read two input integers using input() or raw_input().
Addition operation using + operator, num1 + num2 adds 2 numbers.
Subtraction operation using - operator, num1 - num2 right hand operand from left hand operand.
Multiplication operation using * operator, num1 * num2 multiplies 2 numbers.
Division operation using / operator, num1 / num2 divides left hand operand by right hand operand.
Floor Division operation using // operator, num1 // num2 divides left hand operand by right hand operand, here it removes the values after decimal point.
Modulus % operator when applied returns the remainder when left hand operand is divided by right hand operand num1 % num2.
Exponential operation using ** operator, num1 ** num2 returns value of num1 num2
Print the result of each operation.
Program :
num1 = int(input('Enter First number: '))
num2 = int(input('Enter Second number '))
add = num1 + num2
dif = num1 - num2
mul = num1 * num2
div = num1 / num2
floor_div = num1 // num2
power = num1 ** num2
modulus = num1 % num2
print('Sum of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',add)
print('Difference of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',dif)
print('Product of' ,num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',mul)
print('Division of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',div)
print('Floor Division of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',floor_div)
print('Exponent of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',power)
print('Modulus of ',num1 ,'and' ,num2 ,'is :',modulus)