Business Studies, asked by saluumer110, 6 months ago

4. You are the special events planner in the marketing department at Thrill a Minute
Entertainment Theme Park. You and your project team need to plan the grand opening of the
theme park's newest sensation ride-The Horror wooden roller coaster that boasts a 108
drop. What activities should your team plan to market and introduce this special event?
Using a planning technique discussed in this chapter, gather ideas for a day-long event to introduce
The Horror. Report your findings as follows:
• In the brief report to your marketing department boss, explain why you are writing, give
options for the event, clarify which techniques you used to gather ideas, and sum up by
recommending what you think are the best marketing approaches.
• Write an e-mail to your teacher providing options for the event and explaining which
techniques you used to gather data.
• Give an oral presentation in class providing options for the event and explaining which
techniques you used to gather data.
• Create a posting on the corporate blog about this special event. Send an email to your
teacher with the text for the blog entry, and explain how you gathered data.
Create a on the company Web site about the day-long event introducing the newest ride
Send an email to your teacher with the next to be included in the link, and explain how you
gathered data


Answered by HelperSoham


it is very hard, but i will write in 10 minutes

Answered by usmanbukhari191


i have answer


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