.425 into simplest form.
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If a decimal number terminates (in other words, the digits don't go on forever), express the decimal number as a common fraction with a power of ten as the denominator. Then reduce the fraction tolowest terms .
Since we need to put our number over a power of ten, we need to know what the various places after the decimal point mean.

Express 0.4250.425 as a fraction in lowest terms.
Since there are 33 digits in 425425 , the very last digit is the 10001000 th place.
So, 0.4250.425 is read 425425 thousandths.
It is written 42510004251000 . It is now in fraction form but not reduced to lowest terms.
425425 and 10001000 have a common factor of 2525, so we have to divide both the numerator and the denominator by 2525 to reduce the fraction.
4251000÷2525=17404251000÷2525=1740 . Now the fraction is in lowest terms.
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