English, asked by bunty98, 10 months ago

5. Cricket is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory
6. There is no building without iron. (Affirmative)
1. Fill in each blank with one of these seven possessive pronouns: my, your, bis, be
its, their and our.
1. My beard was longer than beard. I shaved off beard only last week
Johnny said he would shave off
beard as he had heard some girls are
scared of men with beards.
2. They claimed that School was older than _school, but we told them tha
__school was much bigger.
3. "Hey George, is this walking stick? It's not walking stick. I asked
Richard if it's walking stick. He said he's too young to have own walking
4. John lives in own house. I know house is next to a cemetery. He sas
he prefers house to be in such location as the area is really quict.​


Answered by amar1090

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