Hindi, asked by Krishana4901, 1 year ago

5 LINES ABOUT CRICKET in hindi with easy points


Answered by manasasa856

क्रिकेट एक बल्ले और गेंद का दलीय खेल है जिसकी शुरुआत दक्षिणी इंग्लैंड में हुई थी। इसका सबसे प्राचीन निश्चित संदर्भ १५९८ में मिलता है, अब यह १०० से अधिक देशों में खेला जाता है।[1] क्रिकेट के कई प्रारूप हैं, इसका उच्चतम स्तर टेस्ट क्रिकेट है, जिसमें वर्तमान प्रमुख राष्ट्रीय टीमें भारत, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, दक्षिण अफ्रीका, इंग्लैण्ड, श्रीलंका, वेस्टइंडीज, न्यूजीलैण्ड, पाकिस्तान, ज़िम्बाब्वे , बांग्लादेश अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और आयरलैण्ड हैं।

Answered by bhaveshpandya7893

1) Cricket is a game played with bat and ball i The person who hits the ball is called “Batsman”, another person who bowls is called “Bowler”.

3) The aim of the two teams is to restrict the opponent in less runs while bowling and make maximum runs while batting.

4) Before start of the game a coin is tossed, with heads as winner and tails as loser of the toss, winner of the toss decides either to bowl or bat first.

5) To give a batsman out there are two judges who stand on the field, they are called as “Umpires”.

6) There is a third umpire who sits outside the field to assist the field umpires while giving “Run- Out”, “Leg Before Wicket” etc.

7) Match referee is also a part of this game who observes the moral conduct of the players in a match, an also punishes them on violation of rules.

8) The apex body which governs cricket in whole world is ICC (International Cricket Council).

9) Cricket matches are played in a ground having a rectangular clearing in the middle known as pitch; its length is of 20.12m or 22 yards in length and 10ft (3.05 mtr) in width.

10) Three wickets on each end are placed on the pitch, the batsman while batting has the responsibility to protect the wickets from falling.

We are providing another set of 10 lines on cricket so that it could be helpful for you to understand the game better. Furthermore, you can add these lines in your speech and extempore in different competitions. It will also become beneficial for you to choose this game as career option as a sportsman.

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