Hindi, asked by yugshukla, 9 months ago

5 min speech on2ñd October in hindi​


Answered by us428636


Dear teachers and students, today we have gathered here to pay our homage to the father of the nation, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi to many. This speech is dedicated to this person, whose principles and values are even today being considered instrumental in gaining independence from foreign dominance.

Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, October 2nd, is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti, all across the nation. He was born in year 1869 at a place named Porbandar in Gujarat.

My dear audience, we have a lot to learn from the life of Gandhiji, his principles of truth and non-violence teach us a lot about leading life with honesty. He is a well-known figure in Indian Independence history, for bringing the concept of Satyagraha, which means abiding by the truth force, is a particular form of civil resistance. He became the leader of Indian National Congress in 1921, and then led various nationwide campaigns for social causes and achieving self-rule or Swaraj.

Gandhiji then expanded his non violent non-cooperation to include the swadeshi policy, which means boycotting British made goods. He also advocated for the use of khaki instead of foreign-made textiles to be worn by every Indian. He also spent his time in Sabarmati Ashram, with his wife Kasturba and that place has been turned into a museum, which is located in Ahmedabad.

The famous Gandhi – Irwin Pact was signed in March 1931, according to which the British Government agreed to free all political prisoners in return for the suspension of civil disobedience movement. He was invited to attend the Round Table Conference in London, but this conference was a disappointment for him and other nationalists. The ideals of Gandhiji, along with the intense resistance against British Rule from other freedom fighters as well, Britishers were forced to leave India on 15th August 1947.

In conclusion to this speech, I would only like to say that we all should learn something from the life of Mahatma Gandhi, and try to make our nation great, as envisaged by him.

Answered by sanu870

2 October

Good morning Principal ma’am,

teachers and my dear friends. . Today, I am standing here in front of you to recite a speech on this special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. But, first of all, I would like to say a big thanks to my class teacher- Mrs. Swati Sharma for giving this wonderful opportunity to give Gandhi Jayanti Speech.

Friends, we all are here to celebrate and to enmark the birth anniversary of our National hero-Mahatma Gandhi.

M.K Gandhi was a person who will always be in our hearts. He is also known as ‘Bapu’ or ‘Father of the Nation’. He has also earned the title of ‘Rastrapita’. His full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Born on 2nd October 1869, Porbandar, Gujrat.

Gandhi was a freedom fighter who became the leader of our nationalism under British rule. He is being called ‘Mahatma’ due to his great works. He was a great freedom fighter and a non-violent activist who followed the path of non-violence and truth as his tools against British rule. Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly influenced by the life of the ‘King Harishchandra’.

He always followed the path of non-violence, truth, and peace. He also guided his fellow citizens to follow Ahimsa(non-violence). Satya(truth) and Shanti(peace). He adopted the idea of Satyagraha for the Indian Independence Movements. He proved that non-violence is the most powerful sword.

His father Karamchand was a noble and a pious man. He was the Chief-Dewan of the State of Rajput. His mother Putlibai was a straightforward and religious lady. Gandhiji was greatly influenced by his mother. Gandhiji married to Kasturba in 1883. When he was 18 years old, he completed his matriculation exam and went to England to study Barrister in Law.

Know more about complete Mahatma Gandhi Family in this separate article on Mahatma Gandhi Family Tree.

At the age of 24, Gandhi went to British Colony, South Africa to practice law. He spent his one years there from 1893 till 1914. As a lawyer, he was mainly employed by the Indians. While he was practicing there, he saw that the Indians are getting discriminated for their complexion. He got insulted so many times, but he continued his struggle. Once, he was disallowed to travel in the first-class and was thrown out of the train. He was moved by the poor condition of Indians and thus decided to fight against injustice. He fought for the civil rights and privileges of Indians. He also taught people to fight for their rights and that too through non-violence. Thus, he decided to become a political activist.

Gandhi returned to India in 1915. After his arrival, he helped people in their problems and started a powerful yet non-violent movement against the misrule of the Britishers. Later, he joined Indian National Congress as a member and soon became the president. His moves brought spirituality in Indian politics. He worked for the removal of social problems like untouchability, upliftment of the backward society and also raised voice to develop villages.

Gandhi Ji inspired people to make use of Swadeshi goods. He also emphasizes on manual labor and motivated his people for being self-reliant for cotton and related goods. He started waiving cotton clothes using Charkha.

hope helpful answer...

mark bairlest answer ✌

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