5 minute speech on protecting nature
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nature is on the first position in the essential things we need to survive on this planet earth.nature provides us almost everything including the most essential gas oxygen which we need to survive. nature has infinite beauty that's why we go through about 100-100 km to see it's beauty..one of the place where nature is most beautiful is hill stations.where we spend our vacations happily with our family or friends.but after these advantages we are destroying our beautiful nature,we are cutting trees rapidly which has many disadvantages like due to this global warming is happening which leads to indiffrentiatiate climatic conditions,other disadvantage is that animal whose house were forests and jungles are coming to citys due to cutting down of forests which leads animals harming peoples of the citys.At last I want to say that we should aware people to save forests or the day is not far when we have to use oxygen masks only to roam in the citys.
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nature is on the first position in the essential things we need to survive on this planet earth.nature provides us almost everything including the most essential gas oxygen which we need to survive. nature has infinite beauty that's why we go through about 100-100 km to see it's beauty..one of the place where nature is most beautiful is hill stations.where we spend our vacations happily with our family or friends.but after these advantages we are destroying our beautiful nature,we are cutting trees rapidly which has many disadvantages like due to this global warming is happening which leads to indiffrentiatiate climatic conditions,other disadvantage is that animal whose house were forests and jungles are coming to citys due to cutting down of forests which leads animals harming peoples of the citys.At last I want to say that we should aware people to save forests or the day is not far when we have to use oxygen masks only to roam in the citys.
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Everyone knows that nature plays an important role in one's life. The nature I mean include trees and huge water bodies that protect our environment. Are we protecting the thing which is protecting us? I'll surely say no. Just for marks we students speak in school that we should protect nature and so on .But do we really know the importance of nature? Nature is a boon given to us .It protects crores and crores of organisms In Earth. It gives us forests the lungs of Earth. We people smoke and not only destroy our lungs we destroy the lungs of Earth too. The reason we are able to breathe is, it's all because of nature. So friends knowing the importance of nature- LET"S SAVE NATURE AND LET"S SAVE OUR MOTHER EARTH.
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