5 sentence of save trees
here is ur answer....
1. Trees are very important for the survival of mankind in our Mother Earth.
2. Trees take in Carbon dioxide and give out Oxygen to the atmosphere.
3. Trees give fresh air to the atmosphere that is good for our body.
4. Trees have enormous benefits and without which life at Earth would not be possible.
5. We should Save trees to save Earth.
5 sentences on save trees are mentioned below:
1. Trees give us oxygen. In the absence of them, we cannot survive in this planet. Trees provide shelter to all and also regulate the temperature of earth.
2. Trees are a source of rain through transpiration. Trees are important in human lives but we still cut them for our own selfish reasons.
3. Deforestation is a grave problem that we are facing by destroying the home of animals and birds. We can save trees by reducing the usage of paper for which thousands of trees are cut down.
4. We can make use of cloth napkins instead of paper napkins as it is more environment-friendly. Planting trees should become a hobby for everyone, not an activity only to be done on World Environmental day.
5. People should be taught about the importance of trees right from their childhood. People should be requested to grow and maintain trees on daily basis.
Learn more about importance of trees:
Essay on importance of trees
Importance of trees for man's survival