5. The Sangam literature gives a true picture of society in early south India. In this context, discuss the following:
(a) Composite culture
(b) Caste system
(c) Position of women
Explanation: CASTE SYSTEM
Caste divisions and tribal arrangement, division between high and low
born, Brahmans ,their patrons and common men
Tolkappiyam mentions four clastes--- Brahmans , Kings, traders and
farmers---influence of Sanskritic social ideal
Brahmans---respectable and learned community, served the
king occasionally as judicial officers, as priests and
astrologers,attached to land and proud of their country and mother
Vaishyas--- trade, duties of learning, performing sacrifice, making
gifts, agriculture, protection of cows and trade.
Vellas--- trade, learning Vedas, making gifts, agriculture, worship
Different kinds of women--- married and dutiful house
wives, female ascetics belonging to Buddhism or Jainism
Women were provided with good education, large number
of courtesans and poets
Worship of Kannagi or Patni became popular in the period
of Senaguttuvan