Time signature is a pair of numbers drawn at the beginning of the staff.it
indicates the number of beats in measure and the kind of note that receive one beats
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Time Signatures
In written music, time signatures are also called meter signatures. They help us identify which kind of note is used to count beats in a measure and how many beats will be in each measure. In a musical score, the time signature appears at the beginning of the piece, as a time symbol or stacked numerals. Below are some common time signatures and how they are placed on the staff.
Common Time Signatures
The first example is 4/4 time. In this time signature there are 4 beats possible in each measure, and the quarter note represents one beat. The top number of the time signature tells how many beats are in each measure, and the bottom number tells which note will represent one beat. Sometimes 4/4 time is represented by a large C, because it is also know as common time. The time signature 2/2 means that in each measure, the half note represents one beat (indicated by the lower number) and there are two beats in each measure (indicated by the top number) . The time signature 3/4 tells a musician that a quarter note represents one beat in a measure (the lower number) and that there will be three beats in each measure (the top number).