5 Uses of files for a student
to store important files.
to keep safe
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Mega says it offers “convenient and powerful always-on privacy” that puts the encryption process in the user's hand, not its own. But there are many, more established file-sharing applications and websites that can do the same and keep your data safe.
• Evernote
Evernote is great for anyone on the go. With apps for both Android and iOS devices, sharing and taking notes, photos or audio bits couldn't be easier. Sync with your computer and you can virtually have any task with you at all times.
• Google Drive
The go-to file-share site that's tied to all of our Gmail accounts is one word: convenient. Already linked to your Google account, Drive offers you 5GB of storage, which is perfect for saving oodles of PDFs and Word documents that may otherwise get lost in your inbox.
• Dropbox