5 ways to prevent soil erosion
- Crop Rotation: Rotating in high-residue crops — such as corn, hay, and small grain — can reduce erosion as the layer of residue protects topsoil from being carried away by wind and water.
2. Conservation Tillage: Conventional tillage produces a smooth surface that leaves soil vulnerable to erosion. Conservation tillage methods such as no-till planting, strip rotary tillage, chiseling, and disking leave more of the field surface covered with crop residue that protects the soil from eroding forces.
3. Contour Farming: Planting in row patterns that run level around a hill — instead of up and down the slope — has been shown to reduce runoff and decrease the risk of water erosion.
4. Strip Farming: In areas where a slope is particularly steep or there is no alternative method of preventing erosion, planting fields in long strips alternated in a crop rotation system (strip farming) has proven effective.
5. Terrace Farming: Many farmers have successfully combated erosion by planting in flat areas created on hillsides in a step-like formation (terrace farming).
1.Control of deforestration
2.Restriction on grazing
3.Control of forest fires
4.Control of forest insects and diseases
5.Controlling illegal cutting of trees