English, asked by solpreetsandhu0, 5 months ago

5. We sang the national anthem at the end of the function.
► revision: articles
B. Complete these sentences with a, the or X for zero article.
Having finished 1
X homework for the day, he switched on
There was
cartoon programme on one channel, and 4.
cricket match
on another. He chose
cricket match and watched it for some time. Just then,
his parents called him to have 6.
dinner. He chatted with his family at 7.
table and told them about his day at + 8.
school. Soon, it was nine o'clock
time to go to
► synonyms
Words in Use
A. Which words in the text have these meanings? Look at paragraphs 11 and 36.
1. swelled
2. held by magic
3. a deep and strong interest
4. made a sound by forcing air through the lips
5. the edge of the sky
6. seriously injured
7. unbalanced
8. behind a house
9. use the full length
10. raise and push down​


Answered by korthamyamini525

please give questions separately

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