5 website url static and dynamic and reason
In technical terminology, static websites are the sites, where the information displayed remains the same. It is a series of HTML, with each page representing a particular section of the webpage. On the other hand in dynamic websites, the information or the content on the webpage changes depending on the various factors. Programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and many more languages are used to create a dynamic website.
In static web pages, content like the theme, image and video remain the same, while in dynamic the content on the webpage changes.
Static web page takes less time to load unlike a dynamic web page, takes more time to load.
In static website its difficult to change the content on the web page, whereas in the dynamic web, it's relatively easy to do.
The cost involved in the creation of static webpage is less when compared to the dynamic webpage.
Comparison Chart of Static Vs Dynamic Web Pages
Basis for comparison Static Web Pages Dynamic Web Pages
Basic Static web pages, content on its webpage will remain the same Dynamic web pages, content changes
To sum up the discussion, Static websites are quick to develop and cost-effective, whereas dynamic websites offer much more interactive features, which can improve user engagement. Thus there are advantages and disadvantages of both the websites, as a result the decision to which website to have for your business should depend on the type of business you are engaged in and your client base.
There are two categories of websites: static and dynamic.
- An HTML-coded web page that completely defines the structure and content of the page is referred to as a static web page. The static pages are kept on a server, and whenever a user enters their URL to request one, the server loads exactly the same page with exactly the same prebuilt content. For example: About us page or Contact us page in a website.
- A dynamic web page, on the other hand, is one that has "server-side" code on it. Every time a user requests something, the server creates fresh content for the page. Dynamic pages frequently access database data using server-side code. For example: Community page, recommendation page, Wishlist page in websites.
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