CBSE BOARD XII, asked by ps008272, 2 months ago

5. Why is it that the anthesis, emasculation and actual crossing are preferably done early in morning or late afternoon?​


Answered by Aayush23kumawat


pls mark me as brainliest


The anthesis, emasculation and actual crossing are preferably done early in the morning or late afternoon because blooming occurs early in morning & stigma receptivity is high & it is also done during evening because most of the anther dehisce during evening.

Answered by jivinirbhu
5. Why is it that the anthesis, emasculation and actual crossing are preferably done early in morning or late afternoon?
Why anthesis is done early in the morning?

Early-morning flowering (EMF) helps rice plants to escape heat stress damage under field conditions. EMF traits and spikelet sterility were estimated from indica cultivars originating from 13 tropical and 20 subtropical countries.

What is not true about emasculation of a flower while performing and artificial cross?

What is not true about the emasculation of a flower while performing an artificial cross? A. ... It is a process of removal of anthers from a bisexual flower such that self-pollination is not favored. This process has to be carried out before the onset of the flowering period.

What is the benefit of emasculation?

Emasculation is very important in artificial hybridization techniques. It ensures that cross pollination takes place in a flower and results in superior off-springs as compared to the parents. It is carried out by crop breeders to improve crops.
What is emasculation and its significance?

Emasculation is used for the prevention of self-fertilisation. There is the removal of male (pollen) parts of a plant which basically involves the anthers. This helps to perform controlled pollination and breeding purposes. This mechanism is called as emasculation.

What is emasculated man?

English Language Learners Definition of emasculate

: to make (a man) feel less masculine : to deprive (a man) of his male strength, role, etc. : to make (something) weaker or less effective. See the full definition for emasculate in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

Which one is removed during the process of emasculation?

Removal of petals and sepals. Hint: Emasculation is the process of removal of male reproductive organ of a flower. It is mainly done in bisexual or monoecious plants.

Why emasculation is not done in unisexual flowers?

Hint: Emasculation is the process, where the stamens or anthers are removed, and pollen grains are not allowed to enter into the female reproductive parts to prevent fertilization, the main aim of emasculation is to prevent the self-pollination of flowers. ...

Which is the most widely used method of emasculation?

The most common procedure of manual emasculation is with the use of forceps or scissors. In wheat, emasculation is done by scissors and forceps, and is usually done 1-3 days before anthesis.
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