50 points
why change of state take place?
plese marrk
hope its help ful
☺hey mate, ✌
Why does the change of state take place at constant temperature?
Get Way Learning
Get Way Learning, B-Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (2016)
Answered Nov 8, 2018
A state is condition of a system and is specified by its properties. That's why state change means properties of system change. Properties of Thermodynamics system is Temperature, Pressure, volume, density, etc.
If one of the above properties (Temperature, pressure, volume) change it means state of system change. If you want to change the state of system without changing temperature, then you have to change other properties like pressure, Volume.
You can see in isothermal process. In this process state of system change at constant temperature
Take one example
Take one pistan and cylinder, and fill gases inside the cylinder. Now supply heat slowly to the system(arrangement of pistan and cylinder). If you want to keep temperature constant then you have to expand the system boundary. Because expansion decrease temperature and compression increase temperature.
In this case you are supply heat to the system that's why you have to expand system boundary to keep temperature constant, and in this case volume of system change by expansion. It means state of system change