500 word essay on equality
Equality is one thing which a country or state need to develop.equality helps every citizen of a nation to develop leader ship quality.
equality leads to unity,unity leads to development of nation.
For example INDIA-in past india their were many battles and disunity between each empire this is due to equality if india would have thought that all the citizen are equal then sure we would not suffer alot.then british took a chance and they invaded india then they thought to settle completely in india and at last they maid clashes between two kings of different kingdom and they finally won and got a chance to rule india this is due to un equality between indians if they thought that al are equal then british who came as an invader would have not got a chance to rule india but at last india struggled lot finally they won and they thrown british out of the nation.
This is just an example their are more than hundread example like this so equality is the main thing to the development of nation.
Those who subscribe to this meaning of equality, assert that all men are born equal and nature has willed them to remain so.
This natural equality of man was practically recognized in the Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) issued by the National Assembly of France. It said: “Men are born, and always continue, free and equal in respect of their rights.”
A similar statement is found in the American Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” But nature has not created all men equal. Inequality is an inescapable, natural fact and it has to be accepted by society.
Nature has endowed men with different capacities and so long as they differ in their wants, needs, and capacities in satisfying them, equality in its popular sense is inconceivable. Equality does not even imply identity of reward for effort. The statement, then, that all men are equal is as erroneous as that the surface of the earth is level.
Absolute equality is, in fact, an impossible ideal. Nature itself has created such vital differences between men that no power can make and keep them equal. No one with eyes in his head can or will deny the existence of these human differences.
There are, however, certain elements of equality which must be secured and this needs a certain levelling process in the existing order of things. The principle of equality was, originally, a common man’s protest against the gross inequalities created by the superior claims of the nobility in ancient societies. The idea of equality has, therefore, grown out of the idea of privileges.
These inequalities and privileges persist even in our own times. Inequality, as such, refers to the conditions created in society by a limited number of privileged people who have always dominated the government of a country and used its power for their own purpose and advantage. This class of vested interests makes the fulfillment of their private desires the criterion of public good.