500 word essay on shaping a better india
In order to break this vicious circle, the government of India has come up with the concept of adult education. All those adults who could not seek education during their childhood and want to get educated later in life can enrol for the adult education program. As part of this program, both basic education as well as vocational training is imparted to empower the individuals to shape a better future. It is the sole choice of an individual as to what he wants to opt for.
Directorate of Adult Education initiated in India from the National Fundamental Education Centre (NFEC) established in the year 1956. Since then the government has continually been making efforts to promote adult education in the country. A number of schools including ones that offer night classes have been opened to provide adult education. Also various means and modes are being used by the government to emphasize the importance of seeking education and the efforts have not been futile. Several individuals have come forward to make the most of this opportunity and the number is on the rise. With this, the number of educational activities being offered has also seen a significant increase.
This is the Answer
On the surface, my address is a quest. On a more profound level, my address is a dream. It reflects an irrepressible ambition. To take India, Indian enterprises and the Indian economy to the top of the global ladder. I am sure that many of you share a similar aspiration.
One sixth of humanity lives in India. Every Indian wants to live a better life. In this age of rising aspirations and instant communication, there can be no peace if a billion plus people are discontented, deprived, unhappy and therefore, angry. Consequently, India needs to follow a unique developmental model to achieve equitable economic success. Not only for her own sake, but also for the benefit of the whole world.
The future is always unknown. It is a world we have no glimpse of. But when we reach there, we are constantly amazed at our own dual thinking of the yesteryears.
Those of us who were born in the second half of the last century are extremely privileged. This period has seen extraordinary economic and technological growth.
A period where science fiction has become a reality. But with all these privileges, comes great responsibility. Responsibility for the future generations and the future of the planet.
Our civilization has been advanced through centuries by influences like the travelling trader and the roving explorer. Similarly, armed conquests, colonization, and missionary enterprises have also been factors in the spread of culture. But these were all secondary to the trading relationships. Relationships which were accelerated by the rapidly developing art and science of industry, commerce and trade.
And that is why it is so important for all of us to get business right.
Business in itself is the policy setter. Business is the ideology of the New World order. We now have to see business in the wider context of human progress- both material and social. Business will have to act as trustees for shareholders. It will have to care for the society by the virtue of the license given to it by the society.
Businesses should be measured on social returns together with financial returns. The primary responsibility of business then is the betterment of society- always!
Purpose of Business
Growth, governance, empowerment, transparency, compliance are all equally relevant and applicable to businesses - not just to Government. To me, the purpose of business is growth, welfare and enrichment of the nation at large. By creating jobs and generating wealth. And for that, businesses need to constantly innovate and expand-or else it will stagnate and wither away.
The last two decades have shown that the Indian entrepreneurs are not just as good, but in many respects better than their peers in the world. And, this fact has been recognized widely in the world. The entire country is proud of that.
Two Indias
The subject of Governance, Growth and Empowerment is understood differently by different people of India. This is because there are two narratives of India in this context. Two clear and different story lines each arousing separate sets of emotions.
One narrative lauds the Indian Success Story. It romanticizes our democratic traditions.It exults in the successes of the service sector and the emerging class of global leaders and entrepreneurs.It sings praises about our young and vibrant demography. It glorifies the large pool of skilled and educated English speaking working class. This is the narrative about 'India Rising' or 'India Emerging'.
However, along with it runs another narrative, like a counterpoint. The accent here is on the element of 'miracle' in India's recent successes. The focus shifts to weak governance lost amidst a maze of regulation. This narrative imagines the growth engine as a heartless mechanical monster that scatters millions behind. Not even allowing them the privilege of being spectators to this miracle of growth. In despair, it positions India amongst the Least Developing Countries in terms of Human Development Index and social indicators.
I find it fascinating that both these narratives, by themselves, represent two complete self contained narratives. So difficult to argue against. Both grounded in bits of realism. Both describing India amazingly and accurately. Each is emboldened by its own set of numbers, statistics and hard headed analysis.
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