5sentences about chanar tree
1. The Chinar tree is an integral part of Kashmiri culture. Almost every village in the valley has a Chinar tree.
2. You can experience a cool breeze under the shadow of this majestic tree which is very conducive to health.
3. It is unfortunate that in recent years the number of Chinar trees is decreasing. It is no wonder that if the present trend continues, the day is not far-off when the tree will see its extinction from the land of Kashmir.
4. Chinar is a gigantic sized tree, found growing throughout valley. Its scientific name is platanus orientalis. Its family is plataneae.
5. The tree has been successfully planted in New Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun and Meerut. But the size and girth attained in these places are no parallel to those of the tree in Kashmir valley.