What is meant by rights?
Explain the necessity of right to freedom?
Write the answers in detail.
1) Explain the right to freedom given to Indian citizens
by the Constitution.
2) Explain the right to constitutional remedies.
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Rights are legal,social or ethical principals of freedom,that is rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owned to people,according to some legal system.These are essential importance in such disciplines as law and ethics.
Right to Freedom-:It is very important right. It also considered the ''cluster of rights''.These fundamental right states that every person has the right to speech and expression,right to form associations and unions,move freely and reside in any part of India,right to practice any profession,occupation,trade or business,right to life and personal liberty,and also having right to education.
Right to Constitutional Remedies-:This right protects other rights.Right to move the courts to issue directions/orders/writs for enforcement of rights.