English, asked by abrahamviju2, 1 month ago

6 - 9. Read the lines from the poem The Ballad of Father Gilligan and answer the ques on that follow.
He rode now as he never rode,
By rocky lane and fen;
The sick man's wife opened the door,
'Father! You come again!'
'And is the poor man dead?' he cried
'He died an hour ago.'
The old priest Peter Gilligan
In grief swayed to and fro.
6. Why did Peter Gilligan ride as he never rode?
7. What feeling did the sick man's wife have when she saw the priest at her door?
8. Iden fy the poetice device employed in the line 'The old priest Peter Gilligan'.
9. Why did Peter Gilligan feel sad?


Answered by karthikasirosh2017


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