:. (a) Translate into English:
हमें यह नहीं भूलना चाहिए कि खेल उतने ही जरुरी है, जितनी पढ़ाई। खेलों
के बिना शिक्षा अधूरी है। निर्बल मनुष्य को संसार में कोई नहीं पूछता। सभी
उससे घृणा करते हैं। जीवन उसके लिए भारी बन जाता है। इसलिए हमें खेलों
में अवश्य भाग लेना चाहिए। खेल हमें बलवान और चुस्त बनाते है। खेल हमें
सहनशीलता और अनुशासन सिखाते हैं। ड्यूक ऑफ विलिंगटन लिखता है, "मैंने
फ्रांस पर खेलों के कारण ही विजय प्राप्त की थी।" हमें स्कूलों तथा कॉलिजों
में बच्चों को खेलों में भाग लेने के लिए उत्साहित करना चाहिए। हमारे देश में
खेलों का स्तर अभी इतना उन्नत नहीं हुआ है, जितना कि होना चाहिए था।plz English language only
We should not forget that sports are as important as studies. Games
Education is incomplete without No one asks a weak person in the world. All
Hate him. Life becomes heavy for him. So us games
Must participate in Sports make us strong and agile. Game us
Teach tolerance and discipline. The Duke of Willington writes, "I
France was conquered by the Games. "Schools and Colleges
Should encourage children to participate in sports. in our country
The level of the games is not yet as advanced as it should have been. (It have taken a lot of time)
we are not forgot that games are as important as education.without games/sports education is incomplete.on one asks the weak people in universe.All are teasing them.For those people life is difficult that is why we participate in games.Sports/games makes us strong.Game teaches us discipline.Duke of Wilmington wrote that “I win France because of sports.we can encourage children's to take participate in games in school and collages.now a days in our country importance of sorts are not as much it wants