Biology, asked by umeabiha13, 3 months ago

6. How many ATP/s is/are required for one cycle of muscle relaxation and contraction?
A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D.4 ​


Answered by rr0788317


One cycle of a single myosin ATPase head expends 1 molecule of ATP, but it takes thousands of these myosin heads, each producing about 5 power stroke per second (1 ATP/stroke), to produce a noticeable or useful contraction of the whole muscle.

How much ATP is expended (and regenerated) in the contraction of any given muscle depends on the size of the muscle (stapedius of the middle ear, or gluteus maximus of the tush?) and how hard you’re working it.


Answered by swapnilmanekar2

One cycle of a single myosin ATPase head expends 1 molecule of ATP, but it takes thousands of these myosin heads, each producing about 5 power stroke per second (1 ATP/stroke), to produce a noticeable or useful contraction of the whole muscle.

ATP is needed for normal muscle contraction, and as ATP reserves are reduced, muscle function may decline. This may be more of a factor in brief, intense muscle output rather than sustained, lower intensity efforts. Lactic acid buildup may lower intracellular pH, affecting enzyme and protein activity.

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