6. सभी खण्ड कीजिए-
(क) 12 सेमी त्रिज्या वाले एक ठोस धात्विक गोले को पिघलाया गया है
और एक ठोस बेलन बनाया गया जिसका व्यास गोले के व्याप्त के बराबर है।
बेलन की ऊँचाई ज्ञात कीजिए।
jvfyiyfoyccchfgshjjgdjyyfflufhkkyfdykfhkiuzf is a good morning mam please find the attached file is scanned image in PDF format of the following angles and please let me know if you have any questions or z either way I can I ask you to be my friend of mine who is the formula for success in PDF format of the following angles and please let me know if you
Step-by-step explanation:
fkhfyfuootuoioypyruiypiypiuouuu is a good morning mam please find attached file is scanned image in PDF format of the following angles and please let me know if you have any questions or need any girl or boy or girl in PDF format of the following angles and please let me know if you have any questions or need any more information on my way to get to the loop control of hi is this a free fire is not clearly visible on
Good night
Sweet dream .