Biology, asked by jjhowell731, 11 months ago

6CO2 + 6H2O es002-1.jpg C6H12O6 + 6O2 Describe in words what occurs during the process represented by the photosynthesis equation. Include the importance of sunlight


Answered by Adarsharmap
When the 6 moecules of carbon and and 6 molecules of Water react together in the presence of sunlight they made glucose. and And 6 molecules of oxygen and heat is taken during this reaction by plants and also known as endothermic recation due to presence of sunlight.
Answered by dylanritland33


When the 6 moecules of carbon and and 6 molecules of Water react together in the presence of sunlight they made glucose. and And 6 molecules of oxygen and heat is taken during this reaction by plants and also known as endothermic recation due to presence of sunlight.

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