7. A fish dies when taken out of water, whereas a wall lizard will die if kept under water. Mention the adaptations that allow fish and lizard to survive in their respective habitats.
8. Define a) migration b) hibernation
9. Give one example of an animal that can live in both water and on land.
10. Name the instrument used for measuring rainfall of a particular region.
11. How many taste buds are present on the tongue?
12. Mention any two adaptive features that help the penguins in swimming.
13. Name any two animals that can live in polar region and tropical rainforests.
14. Write two common adaptive features of a polar bear which help in keeping it warm.
15. Differentiate between the climate found in polar region and tropical rainforests.
16. Write one similarity and difference between the nutrition in animals and amoeba.
17. Describe the role of stomach in the human digestive system.
18. The tropical rainforest has a large population of animals. Explain.
19. Differentiate between weather and climate.
20. Give reason.
a) Animals of tundra and tropical regions are better adapted to their surroundings than human beings.
b) A polar bear is better adapted to its surroundings than the animals of the tropical rainforest.
c) Man does not have the inbuilt ability to adapt himself to changing weather conditions.
Ans: Fishes live in water, its their natural place of habitat. They absorb oxygen from water. Its just a medium to absorb oxygen stored in the water. So when out of water their gills don’t allow them to breathe so they die.
- Naturally, lizards don’t have gills, so they can absorb oxygen from the air using their respiratory system, so when in water, they die due to lack of gills being present, because they can’t absorb the oxygen.
- Both of them have their own habitats, have their own way of living, have their own way of adapting, so they follow their respective adaptation skills.
a- Migration: This refers to seasonal movement of animals from one region to another.
b- Hibernation: This refers to either a condition or a period of an animal or plant which consists of spending the winter in a dormant state, like a deep sleep.
Ans: A reptile such as an alligator or a crocodile, can live under water and on land.
Ans: A rain gauge
Ans: The average person has about 10,000 taste buds present on the tongue.
1- A penguin hunches its head into its shoulders to maintain its streamlined shape and reduce drag while swimming.
2- Its keeps its feet pressed close to the body against the tail to aid in steering
Polar: musk ox, penguin
Tropical: elephant and red eyed frog
1- A polar bear has a layer of fat under its skin which helps it stay warm
2- It also has a thick layer of fur to keep itself warm.
Tropical: This zone is the one where temperatures remain constant throughout the year and rarely falls below 65 degrees.
Precipitation(rain) determines the seasons as either rainy or dry in this zone. These zones are found on land and in oceans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Examples include, Drier grasslands, such as steppes and savannas, occur on the northern and southern limits of this zone.
Polar: The temperature in these regions remain below 50 degrees throughout the year and in winters falls to 30 degrees below zero. In the sub-zone of places such as Antarctica, inner Greenland and the Arctic Sea, the temperatures remain below freezing all year round and can fall up to - 58 degrees, as well.
Similarity: Both Amoeba and animals require energy for the growth of their bodies. This energy is derived from the food which they eat.
Difference: Animals have a mouth and complex digestive system. However, Mouth and digestive system both are absent in Amoeba.
Ans: The stomach is the area which secretes acid and enzymes that help in digesting food.
The stomach muscles contract periodically, this helps in churning food to enhance the process of digestion.
The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass from the stomach to the small intestine, so it acts as a way of transmission of food into large intestine and small intestine.
Ans: The tropical rainforest hosts a large population of animals due to the availability of favorable climatic conditions in that region which provide comfort in their habitat. Also there is easy availability of different kinds of foods for different kinds of animals.
Ans: The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time.
Weather: It refers to a state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time. It is associated with being described as hot or heat, cloudiness, dryness, windy, rainy, misty, cold, etc.
Climate: Refers to the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general. Or weather conditions prevailing over a long period of time. That’s why the earth is divided into climatic zones, like tropical, polar, arid, temperate, etc.
Animals have their own adaptive features which are distinct from the adaptive features of humans. The older humans, ancestors originally resided in the tropical regions, but as modern time started, their bodies and minds couldn’t adapt to those regions. But animals are accustomed to their habitat.
The needs of animals versus humans differ in regard to activity and health.
Ans: Animals don’t have clothes, however, they do have built-in ways of keeping the right temperature in their bodies and protecting themselves in the habitat they live in. Since polar bears have fat layers of skin and fur to help them stay warm, they are adaptable to that region, whereas tropical forests do not have that type of skin so they can’t adapt in the same way, as when they are placed outside their comfort zone.
This is because human skin is not as precisely designed as animal skins are. Humans use distinct clothing in distinct weather. The area where they live determines their features and activities, so when their geographical location changes, their adaptability depends on other things like tools, and clothes, etc.
Tropical: This zone is the one where temperatures remain constant throughout the year and rarely falls below 65 degrees. Precipitation(rain) determines the seasons as either rainy or dry in this zone. These zones are found on land and in oceans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Examples include, Drier grasslands, such as steppes and savannas, occur on the northern and southern limits of this zone.