7. How is sex ratio calculated?
8. Who introduced the concept of human development?
9. What is meant by annual growth of population?
10. What are the three casual factors of population change?
11. What is age-sex pyramid? How does it help in population
12. Why is sex ratio unfavourable to women in the world? E
13. Name four countries having high human developmer
human development index.
14. Divide countries into three groups on the basis of hu
description of each group.
15. People prefer to live in certain regions of the world
statement with suitable examples of geographical, econ
mulation in the
Answered by
- It is usually calculated by dividing the number of children in the age group 0-4 (of both sexes) by the number of women of reproductive age (15-49 years), and then multiplying by 1000. Example: A district in Viet Nam has the 4896 children under age 5 and 10,200 women aged 15-49.
- Mahbub ul Haq
- Population growth is the increase in the number of individuals in a population. Global human population growth amounts to around 83 million annually, or 1.1% per year. The global population has grown from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.8 billion in 2020.
- Three primary factors account for population change, or how much a population is increasing or decreasing. These factors are birth rate, death rate, and migration.
- The Most Useful Graphs in Population Geography
- The Most Useful Graphs in Population Geography Age-sex pyramids (also known as population pyramids) graphically display this information to improve understanding and make comparison easy. When displaying a growing population, they sometimes have a distinctive pyramid-like shape.
- Reason for unfavourable sex ratio for women are as follows: Sex ratio is always unfavourable to women in those countries where gender discrimination is rampant. In such countries or areas, the practice of female foeticide, female infanticide and domestic violence against women are common practices.
- Norway
- Norway Iceland
- Norway Iceland Switzerland
- japan
- Finland
- Finland Sweden
- Finland SwedenDenmark
- Finland SwedenDenmark Netherlands
- 8. The division of countries into three groups according the economies is known as the three sector theory. They are classified as under: (i) Developed Countries: These are the countries which have a high rate of GDP
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