7. Prove that for any positive real number α there exists a sequence of real numbers converging to √
Proof given below:
Step-by-step explanation:
To prove:
for every real number a there exists a sequence of rational numbers such that →.
We can suppose that the real number an is greater than zero without losing generality. (If a0, we can use the following argument on |a| and then switch signs.) Based on the fact that the reals constitute a complete ordered field, we sketch a rather rigorous proof. We provide an easy informal but incomplete "evidence" in one of the closing remarks.
Let be a natural number. Let be the largest positive integer such that
Let . The sequence () has limit , as can be seen from the definition of limit.
1. It is necessary to prove that there is a positive integer m such that
. It is sufficient to demonstrate that there is a positive integer k such that ka, and then we can use m=kn. The Archimedean property of the reals refers to the notion that there is always an integer >a. We next proceed to demonstrate that the reals own this property.
Assume that all positive integers are 0 and that there is an integer k such that 0b, which contradicts the premise that b represents an upper bound for N.
2. One may also provide a rapid, but insufficiently convincing "proof" of the approximation result. Assume that a>0 as before. The numbers formed by truncating a's decimal expansion at the n-th place are rational and have limit a. The issue is because we're presuming that every real number has a decimal extension at this point.