English, asked by shradhasanvi, 1 month ago

$75 POSITI od manner are usually pa G Complete the crossword with the help of the clues. not have an object NE Here the verb wrote does not ar the verb has an object, we before the main verb. The ac so EN the verb fo E U its object Nitin to Nitin to Nitin N R L OR E V If there is a preposition su place the adverb before E the verb. 10 R E Ral Ra " ODA R Some common advert the verb. San ACROSS 1. The dressed soldiers marched across the parade ground. stops at the corner shop to buy an ice cream. He loves Adverbs of place as an object, we place It is 3. Arjun the ones you get there 4. opposite of happily 9. Kavita went to school She rarely missed a day. 10. An adverb of manner that means to move around without any obstruction: 11. Form an adverb from the abstract noun 'truth'. Adverbs of time a If we begin the DOWN 2. Our school magazine is printed 5. I know what is happening in my city because I read the newspaper It comes out once a year. Adverbs of fre helping verb I always fe yestreday 6. IF PRESENT = TODAY, FUTURE = TOMORROW, PAST = 7. The chief guest came We were not ready for her. 110 8. Hari is afraid of water. He says he will learn to swim.


Answered by shreeyavishwakarma3


दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होने के कारण परीक्षा देने में अपनी असमर्थता प्रकट करते हुए प्रधानाचार्य को प्राथना पत्र लिखो

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