English, asked by bhartirathore1245, 1 year ago

Reading ” (15)
Q.1 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In a tiny village in Karnataka called tenali. There lived a poor blame
Kamakrishna. His father died and his mother could not afford his schooling. De
time at the Kalika devi temple in the village. One day a holy man told Ramakna
stayed in the temple through out a full moon night, Goddess Kali would
ougn out a full moon night, Goddess Kali would manifest herself before
him.On the following night, Ramakrishna went to th
howing night, Ramakrishna went to the temple and became involved in the
thought about the Goddess. He didn't realise when the night passed. In the morning could
appeared who has thousands heads and ten hands instead of trembling with fear. Ramakrishna
said to the Goddess “ you have a thousand heads and only ten hands. What happens if you get
a cold ? How will you blow all your noses” Imagining the scene. Ramakrihna rolled with
laughter again.
1. What was the name of poor Brahmin ?
2. Where did he spend his time?
3. Who told Ramakrishna to stay in the temple throughout a full moon night ? (1)
4. Who would manifest herself before him ?
5. Describe the appearance of Goddess.
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
7. What did Ramakrishna say to the Goddess?​


Answered by atharv1873


(7) you have thousand head but only ten hand

Answered by manjuchaturvedi1985


1. Ramakrishna

2. In kalika Devi temple of his village

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