English, asked by sumitbiswas713147, 9 months ago

99 "The river glideth...." The river here refers to -
(1) the Ganga
(1) the Thames (1) the Volga
or The river Thames flows -
(1) the Nile.
() smoothly
(0) noisily
*How does the poet refer to the sun and the river?
0 as phenomena
(ii) as element of nature
(1) as gods
(iv) as animate beings.
*What does the river do at its own sweet will?
() flowers
(ii) runs
(iii) glides
The houses of the city-
(v) turnbles
() look smaller
(1) seem asleep (iii) look like heart
(iv) look gigantic
The poet salutes / prays for the beauty to
0) heaven
(1) dear God (ii) his parents (iv) his master
*Dear God!" -This is an exclamation of
[Hindu School 17]
() fear
(0) Wonder (iii) anger
(iv) depression
The noisy city of London in this poem is described as -
O a mighty heart
(ii) a dirty city (iii) a heart
(iv) a city that hurts
*What, according to the poet, do the houses seem to be doing?
[chetla Boys' High School 171
() sleeping
(ii) singing
(IM) dancing
(iv) brooding.
138 The mighty heart' refers to
O God
(ii) the river (iii) the field and the sky (iv) the city of London.
*In the above poem the poet expresses that he had never experienced before such a
(Begum Rokeya Smriti Balika Vidyalaya, "17]
(iv) feeling of ecstasy.
() feeling of joy
(ii) feeling of awe (in) calm feeling
(WECHSE (XI) Sample Question
170 *What is the object of the poet's celebration ?
(iv) Britain
00) Nature
(ii) Earth
41 *The ships and buildings are open to the
(ii) valley rock or hill
() fields of London and to the sky
(iv) bank of river Thames.
() the sun
42 *The poet enhances London by using-
) details in architecture
(ii) highlights of the city
149 *The mood in the poem is-
(ii) comic
The poem is a description of -
) the city of London
(iv) God.
(ii) the open sky and stars
4 "Identify the simile-
( Earth has nothing to show that is fairer.
(1) The air is bright and glittering.
(iii) London
[contai High School (HS) *171
(WBCHSE (XT) Sample Question)
(ii) references to royalty
(iv) superlatives.
(WECHSE (XI) Sample Question)
(ii) nostalgic
(iv) tranquil.
(i) the English countryside
(WECHSE (XI) Sample Question)
(ii) The city wears the beauty of the mor​


Answered by akshaydhiman7


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