English, asked by abhishek23640, 1 year ago

9th justice poem summary


Answered by tinapatinsome

Justice begotten at a cost is justice lost. The fact is lost sight of by the presentadministration of justice. Justice is a natural right. It is the sine qua non and


of social grouping. Justice in a social environment have to be as natural as sleep or oxygen to a living being. Free and fair justice is the

leges legum

of human rights. The proficiency of justice administration has to be assayed with this litmus test and the role of the police in the system has to be judged by its contributions to this goal of the justiceadministration system.Justice in its basic sense necessitates an integral vision. Justice abstracted from itsenvironment, past, present, future, diverse issues,

dramatis personae

and related eventscannot be justice in the true sense of the word. Justice in parts is no justice that lasts.Justice involves delving deep down to the heart of an issue and delivering justice inreference to all related issues and matters to the rightful entitlement of all. This presupposes a passion for objectivity and justness and above all, selflessness in thearbitrators of justice as well as in those who are in the service of the administration of justice. The role of the police in the administration of justice comes to scrutiny in thecontext of their non a such part in the investigation of crimes and maintenance of law .

Answered by Manisha13Ranwa
Summary of Poem Justice By Parveen Kumar

Poem ‘Justice’ by Parveen Kumar is a beautiful and insightful poem on justice and its general state, especially in India.

In the first line of the FIRST STANZA the poet says justice achieved or got through any exchange is not justice; it is trade; and any justice got through exchange is in reality a painful loss. The poet feels justice is every individual’s right but quite ironically it is dealt by black packs (lawyers and magistrates wearing black robes) in dark hall (dull courts). Justice is like gold granules that are found in mud. Justice is cool like ice and still like rock. And the road to justice is not an easy road.  

In the SECOND STANZA the poet says justice is as inaccessible as the moon which appears to be quite beautiful but has no real use for those who dream about it. Justice also is like the moon.

In the THIRD STANZA the poet uses oxymoron saying ‘justice appears by disappearance’, which means justice is always elusive and its disappearance or absence drains the seeker of all confidence in the good things of life. As one advances in hope to get justice, justice evades and dodges. However hard one may try, he can never catch justice from the back. As one stretches one’s hands for justice in the darkness where justice appears to have hidden, one only finds emptiness. In the end seeker of justice gives up hope of getting justice.

In the FOURTH STANZA the poet describes the seeker in despondency still seeks justice in the dark sea of melancholy; at times it appears to be rising up in the dark, but it is nothing but your delusion. Then you try to seek justice in various passions of irritation, resentment, and hopelessness. But justice remains hidden leading to more injustice.

In the FIFTH STANZA the poet wants to know why justice is chained with greed and bribe. He also wants to know why justice is dependent on popular and prevalent mood or public opinion. The poet feels justice is always hidden and lost in thick jungle of dark night like a rat trapped in the sack of death; justice is like a deer caught in lion’s den. Justice never reaches the seeker by herself.

In the SIXTH STANZA the poet writes justice is the most sought after thing of nature’s all games but it has been distorted and defiled by man himself.

In the SEVENTH STANZA the poet expresses his opinion about the availability of justice. He feels justice should be clearly available for everyone like the light of the sun. It should come to the seekers like the flood water floods the low-lying land and fills the pits. Justice should be more powerful than helpless victim of distorted by the greedy, and cunning man. Justice should be a natural bounty like air, water, sunlight, sky etc. –  not to be lost or gained like things in trade.  

In the EIGHT STANZA the poet compares justice hidden in darkness to a dead body buried underground that can never be made alive again.

In the NINTH STANZA the poet writes sadly that justice usually is weak and easily becomes injustice under the influence of bribe and personal gain. After its death, justice lives like a ghost and again wants to be reborn to live without any passion for righteousness.  

In the LAST STANZA the poet writes that justice that has no truth in it and right direction and purpose is a dead justice.

HOPE it helps ❤️✌️❤️
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