- 살 A.1. Along with your partner, prepare Paul Ekman's report of his findings to be published in the National Herald's weekly column. The report will have the following columns: Aim: Process: Conclusion:
The Research Begins
Paul Ekman begins his research on facial expression and body movements, including hand gestures.

Paul becomes Dr. Ekman
Dr. Ekman receives his Ph.D. in clinical psychology at Adelphi University.

Non-Verbal Behavior
Dr. Ekman receives a grant to examine cross-cultural studies of non-verbal behavior. This is what led to Ekman's most famous studies in facial expression and emotion.
Discovery of Micro Expressions
Dr. Ekman worked with clinical cases in which patients lied about their emotional state. He studied patients who claimed they were not depressed and later committed suicide. Upon examining films of the patients in slow motion, Dr. Ekman and Dr. Friesen spotted micro facial expressions, which revealed strong negative feelings the patient was trying to hide.