Science, asked by Angela111, 1 year ago

A)an element x has valency 2 . write the chemical
formula for
1)bromide of the element
2) oxide of the element
B)define formula unit mass of a substance.


Answered by sonali25
Xbr2 and XO

B)The formula mass of a substance is defined as the sum of the atomic masses of constituent atoms in an ionic compound. This is generally used for ionic compounds which do not contain discrete molecules, but ions as their constituent units.

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Answered by Anonymous
What is valency ?

=> Valency is the combining capacity of an atom with another atom (s) .

This is normally given by the number of Valence electrons or by 8 minus the Valence electrons (Only when the number of Valence electrons is more than 4) .

Valency of first 20 elements is given below.
1) Hydrogen (H) = 1

2) Helium (He) = 0

3) Lithium (Li) = 1

4) Beryllium (Be) = 2

5) Boron (B) = 3

6) Carbon (C) = 4

7) Nitrogen (N) = 3

8) Oxygen (O) = 2

9) Fluorine (F) = 1

10) Neon (Ne) = 0

11) Sodium (Na) = 1

12) Magnesium (Mg) = 2

13) Aluminium (Al) = 3

14) Silicon (Si) = 4

15) Phosphorus (P) = 3, 5

16) Sulphur (S) = 2

17) Chlorine (Cl) = 1

18) Argon (Ar) = 0

19) Potassium (K) = 1

20 ) Calcium (Ca) = 2

#Be Brainly !!

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