a body recall the relative stick mass wrongly
using the dimensional method put the missing C in the proper place
We're given the mistaken equation,
In this equation, the velocity of light, 'c', is forgot to be given.
Well, a power of 'c' is forgot to be given here.
So we have to find the actual position of the power of 'c'.
We take our equation dimensionally.
Both the dimensions of and are same, M. So,
So we get that is dimensionless. From this, we get that the power of 'c' is somewhere in this term!
Let's go on!
This is because constants are dimensionless, we know it.
But is a contradictional equation.
Now consider the dimension of the velocity of light, 'c'. Well, it's a velocity!
So, in our equation to get both sides equal, or to get the LHS dimensionless, we can divide the LHS by LHS itself, and we can guess that either LHS is divided by dimension of the power of 'c', or vice versa.
Hence, dimensionally, our real equation may be,