A conductivity cell filled with 0.02M AgNO₃ gives at 25°C a resistance of 947 ohms. If the cell constant is 2.3 cm⁻¹ what is the molar conductivity of 0.02M AgNO₃ at 25°C?
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0(NH4Cl) = λ NH +4 + λ Cl – of 0.02M AgNO3 at 25ºC
Given :
L0(NaOH) = λNa + + λ OH – 0
C = 0.02M,
R = 947Ω,
L0(NaCl) = λNa + + λ Cl – –1
b = 2.3 cm
To find :
L0(NH4Cl) + L0(NaOH) – L0 (NaCl)
L =?
= λ NH +4 λ Cl – + λ Na + – λ OH – – λ Cl – – λ Na +
Solution :
= λ NH +4 + λ OH – –1
B = 2.3cm
b = k.R or k = Lº(NH4OH)
R = 947Ω
Thus, L0(NH4OH)
= 2.428 × 10–3Ω–1cm–1.
Therefore, 1000k
L = C =
Therefore, 1000(cm3 L–1 )× 2.428×10–3 (Ω –1cm–1 )
0.02(mol L–1 )
L = 121.4 Ω–1cm2mol–1
Therefore, L0(NH4Cl) + L0(NaOH) – L0(NaCl)
Lº(NH4OH) = 149.7(Ω–1cm2 mol–1) + 248.1(Ω–1cm2 mol–1) – 126.5 (Ω–1cm2 mol–1)
= 271.3 Ω–1cm2 mol–1
The molar conductivity of CH3OOH at zero
concentration = 271.3 Ω–1cm2 mol–1
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